About Us

Company Overview

Bright Net Broadband

The company operates through two segments: IT Services and IT Products. The Company’s IT Services business provides a range of IT and IT-enabled services. The IT Products segment provides a range of third-party IT products, which allows it to offer IT system integration services.

Experience the magic of Brightnet

Successful Contracts 97 %
Project management 88 %
Uptime 92 %
Speed 95 %
Team work 100 %

Our team

Kamleshwar Pandey


Our people are our greatest asset – we say it often and with good reason. It is only with the determination and dedication of our people that we can serve our clients, generate long-term value for our clients.

Gyaneshwar Pandey


Our people are our greatest asset – we say it often and with good reason. It is only with the determination and dedication of our people that we can serve our clients, generate long-term value for our clients.

Download our app

Brightnet entertainment means more than just TV or Internet — get streaming speeds, top shows, easy access to Netflix® favorites, and so much more. We’re local members to the communities we serve which allows us to get your services up and running in a day


Home Broadband




Ethernet and Transport


Professional services